A Division of Leviathan Group

Influencer Marketing

Boost your brand awareness with the Leviathan Tribe. As the leading marketing and talent agency in the outdoor and tactical industry, we work with the top industry authorities, professionals, and creators to produce the best content. 

Schedule a call today to learn more. 


 Reach New Audiences on Social Media.


High Performance Campaigns

Our highly experienced specialists will manage your next marketing campaign. Let us select engaging channels based on your market approach to target the appropriate audiences or choose your own.


3.5+ Billion Views Monthly

Leviathan social media partners reach over 35 million eyeballs subscribers in the firearms, outdoor, video game, lifestyle, fitness, gear, and apparel industries. And GROWING!


Measure Your Marketing

No surprise charges here. Review campaign rates before you begin and measure post engagement success with channels who elect to join affiliate programs.

Increase Brand Recognition With Leading Social Media Channels

Leviathan Tribe members are fully-vetted and are considered the top voices in their industry. We implement various methods to work with the channel you choose to represent you, your brand, and your product. Choose from eighty-plus Leviathan Tribe members, partners, and creators to start your social media campaign or Youtube integration.


Content Creators

Many of our Tribe Members are incredible content creators that can produce content for your marketing, website, social media, and public relations. Creators may also produce content that you own the rights to such as photos, videos, and commercials. 


Join the Tribe

The overall objective of the Leviathan Tribe is to grow the client’s brand and ultimately drive sales through dynamic social content or direct feedback. Tribe members must have a strong foundation on social channels and strive to drive sales back to the client with new and returning customers. Channels must follow ethical marketing practices, be in good standing with popular media platforms, and adhere to FTC guidelines.



A Creative Agency Focused On Vision, Product And People.